Study shows 70% of UAE residents underestimate obesity impact

As World Obesity Day is recognized globally on March 4th, the urgency to address this pressing public health issue escalates. With approximately 20 million people grappling with obesity in the GCC alone and alarming projections for the UAE, where it’s estimated that by 2030, half of women and over a third of men will be affected, the need for action is undeniable.

A recent study by Allurion, a company dedicated to combating obesity, sheds light on a concerning trend: 70% of UAE residents underestimate the prevalence of obesity, with many believing it to be lower than the actual rate of 32%.

Obesity not only poses immediate health risks but also increases the likelihood of developing chronic conditions such as cardiovascular disease, diabetes, and certain cancers. In response, innovative solutions like The Allurion Program have emerged, offering a comprehensive approach to sustainable weight loss.

At the heart of the Allurion Program lies the Allurion Balloon, a groundbreaking technology that aids rapid weight loss without the need for surgery or endoscopy. Administered in a simple 15-minute doctor’s visit, the swallowable balloon helps patients feel fuller, reducing appetite and promoting healthier eating habits.

However, the Allurion Program is more than just a medical intervention. It encompasses a multidisciplinary team of experts, including doctors, nutritionists, and psychologists, along with digital tools and personalized plans to support patients throughout their weight-loss journey.

Backed by over 26 peer-reviewed studies confirming its safety and efficacy, the Allurion Balloon has shown promising results, with an average weight loss of 10-15% of body weight in just four months. Remarkably, 96% of this weight loss can be sustained one year after the balloon is removed.

Recognizing its potential, even the UK’s National Health Service has embraced the Allurion Program, making it available to certain patients.