Senate resolution pushes for PhilHealth to cover dental care and dentures

A resolution filed in the Senate aims to delve into the possibility of extending the benefits of the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act to cover dental health services, including the provision of dentures.

Proposed by Senator Raffy Tulfo, Senate Resolution 1021 calls for an inquiry by the Senate Health and Demography Committee to evaluate the feasibility and necessity of amending the UHC Law to incorporate dental health services.

“The current coverage provided by [the Philippine Health Insurance Corporation or PhilHealth] under the UHC Act does not explicitly include dental health services and procedures, leaving a significant gap in access to essential dental care,” the resolution highlighted.

Senator Tulfo emphasized the importance of expanding PhilHealth coverage to encompass dental services, stating, “The inclusion of dental health services and the provision of dentures in the PhilHealth benefit packages is essential to promote preventive care, addressing oral health issues, and improving the overall health outcomes of Filipinos.”

He further stressed the significance of this expansion from a social justice perspective, stating, “The inability to access affordable dental care, including dentures, disproportionately affects marginalized populations and weighs in on existing disparities in oral health outcomes.”

Highlighting the broader impact of oral health on overall well-being, Tulfo cited research indicating a link between gum disease and serious cardiovascular events. “Ensuring access to dental health services is not only a matter of public health but also of economic productivity, as poor dental health maintenance can adversely affect job prospects and career advancement,” he added.