How to file an appeal if you fail the final road test in Dubai

Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) sets high standards for its driving tests, aiming to ensure that only those fully prepared to navigate the roads are granted a license. Despite the rigorous preparation and lessons, not everyone passes on their first attempt — or even their seventh. For those who have experienced the disappointment of failing the RTA’s final road test, there’s a message of encouragement from the RTA itself, reminding candidates that failure isn’t the end but an opportunity to gain more experience and try again.

The process of retaking the test typically involves returning to the driving school for additional classes before being eligible for another attempt. However, there’s an alternative route for those who believe their examination was marked unfairly: filing an appeal against the test result.

Step-by-step guide to filing an appeal:

Visit the RTA Portal: Start by going to and logging in with your Emirates ID.

Navigate to Services: Click on the ‘Services’ tab and select ‘driver and car owner services’.

Apply for an Appeal: Choose ‘Apply for Appealing for Road Test Results’ from the available options. You’ll be presented with a brief overview of the service.

Complete the Application: Click ‘Apply Now’ and answer the necessary questions to proceed.

Pay the Required Fees: There’s a service fee of Dh300 plus a Dh20 ‘Knowledge and Innovation fee’. Payment can be made directly through the portal.

Await the Outcome: The RTA will conduct a thorough investigation into your appeal, with results typically announced within five working days.

Fees, terms, and conditions

It’s important to note that appeals must be submitted within two working days following the road test appointment. This ensures a timely review of your test and the circumstances surrounding any claim of unfairness. Should the RTA find your appeal valid, not only will the test result be reconsidered, but all fees paid for the appeal process will be refunded, acknowledging the error and rectifying the situation promptly.