Breaking boundaries as a Filipino tech leader in Dubai’s booming industry

Amid the dynamic backdrop of Dubai’s technological landscape, Geraldine Faye Sta. Ana, affectionately known as Faye, emerges as a remarkable figure. A second-generation Overseas Filipino Worker (OFW), she embodies the spirit of determination and creativity that many Filipinos bring to global stages. At the young age of 30, Faye has distinguished herself in the tech sector as the Head of The Philippines for Taptap Send. This innovative company is changing the game in how remittances are delivered worldwide, offering zero-fee transactions to Asia and Africa from various global points.

Faye’s ascent in the tech world is not merely a tale of personal achievement. It is a story woven from her challenges, her boldness to seize diverse opportunities, and her unwavering commitment to serve her community. Her journey reflects a deep-rooted desire to make meaningful contributions and to ensure that the fruits of her labor positively impact those around her and beyond.

Faye’s roots are deeply entwined with the OFW narrative, having been raised by a single mother working in Dubai for over two decades. This upbringing instilled in her the importance of hard work, perseverance, and the desire to give back.

“I was raised by a single mother who has been working in Dubai, UAE, for the past 22 years,” Faye shares with The Global Filipino Magazine, highlighting the sacrifices her family made for their future.

Her career abroad started with Careem, the Middle East’s “Everything app,” and through her relentless spirit, she navigated her way through layoffs and sector changes, ultimately making a significant impact at Careem before moving on to Taptap Send.

At Taptap Send, Faye has been instrumental in launching and growing the Philippine corridor, making remittance sending a hassle-free experience for hundreds of thousands of Filipinos globally. Her role is not just administrative; it’s personal.

Faye emphasizes, “I am very passionate in advocating for Taptap Send globally as I am the target market. My mom is the target market that this app seeks to help.”

Faye’s career trajectory is peppered with accolades and recognitions, including being named among the Top 100 Most Influential Filipinas on LinkedIn in 2021 and 2023. She attributes her success to her visibility and proactive engagement with the community, quoting Jen Gottlieb: “Visibility is your responsibility because if you have a service, a story, or a product that helps people and you are not making yourself visible to those people every single day, those people are gonna go listen to someone else… simply because you are too shy or hesitant about being seen.”

The decision to work abroad was not taken lightly. Faye aimed to alleviate her mother’s financial burdens and pursue her dreams that seemed out of reach in the Philippines.

“Staying and working in The Philippines was never an option as the salary is low, and I won’t be able to sustain our growing living expenses if I will become the breadwinner,” she explains, highlighting the economic motivations behind her move.

Her journey has not been without struggles. From the emotional toll of being separated from her family to the financial challenges faced by her mother as an OFW, Faye has seen firsthand the sacrifices made by Filipino workers abroad. Yet, it’s these challenges that have fueled her mission to make a difference, leading to her innovative ventures like, an online cycling marketplace, and plans to create a one-stop-shop for creatives and content creators in the Filipino market.

Faye’s advice to her fellow kababayans struggling abroad is profound and heartfelt: “Take your time & trust the process. You are where you need to be right now… Remember all the burdens you experience now are blessings in disguise.”

Her mantra, “When you have more than you need, build a longer table, not a higher fence,” encapsulates her approach to life and work.

Through her achievements and initiatives, Faye is building longer tables, fostering community, and inspiring the next generation of global Filipino leaders.

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This article has been published in Volume 4, Issue 10 of The Global Filipino Magazine. If you have a unique life story or know someone who does, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at If you’re interested in obtaining a print copy of the magazine, please contact Mr. JP Cosico at +971 54 482 0661.