Two expatriates have won $1 million each in the recent Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire weekly…
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Two expats in UAE win $1 million or AED3.6 million in Dubai Duty Free draw
Two expatriates have won $1 million each in the recent Dubai Duty Free Millennium Millionaire weekly…
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UAE: Man ordered to pay AED5,000 for calling woman too many times
The Abu Dhabi Court for Family, Civil, and Administrative Cases has ruled that a man must…
Continue ReadingThe Abu Dhabi Court for Family, Civil, and Administrative Cases has ruled that a man must…
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UAE to donate 10,000 refurbished electronic devices to students
The Digital School, a pivotal part of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, is…
Continue ReadingThe Digital School, a pivotal part of the Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum Global Initiatives, is…
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