UAE doctors successfully remove large tumour, equivalent to smartphone in size, from patient

Doris Bah Njueng, a 32-year-old Cameroonian residing with her husband in Ras Al Khaimah, recently underwent a life-changing experience after experiencing discomfort in her chest and back. Seeking medical advice, she consulted doctors at RAK Hospital, only to receive a shocking diagnosis.

“When I learned about the problem, I was shattered. I was diagnosed with a tumour in my chest,” expressed Njueng, as reported by Khaleej Times.

Despite her distress, Njueng found reassurance from the medical team at RAK Hospital, who proposed minimally invasive surgery as a solution to alleviate both the tumour and her discomfort.

“The tumour was as big as a smartphone,” she described.

Facing such a daunting health challenge at 32 was unimaginable for Njueng. However, on April 10, she underwent successful surgery at RAK Hospital, finally finding relief from months of suffering.

Dr. Shalabh Mohan, specialist general surgeon at RAK Hospital, explained, “Njueng presented with complaints of progressively increasing chest pain and difficulty swallowing. Upon evaluation, she was diagnosed with a large tumour measuring approximately 15 cm by 20 cm situated in the right chest cavity.”

The surgery, performed by a multidisciplinary team, including experts from the departments of general surgery, cardiac surgery, and anaesthesia, was completed with minimal blood loss and no need for blood transfusion. Njueng did not require ventilator support post-operatively and was discharged on the fifth day after surgery, with a chest x-ray confirming complete recovery.

Njueng emphasized the importance of regular medical check-ups, stating, “I did not have any idea about the tumour. When the doctor told me about it, I was concerned about my daughter.”

Expressing gratitude, she added, “I am thankful to God for guiding them through this challenging procedure. Thanks to the doctors who assured me of my well-being.”