Supreme Court finds disbarred lawyer Larry Gadon guilty of gross misconduct again

The Supreme Court has ruled that disbarred lawyer Larry Gadon committed gross misconduct, citing perjury and making accusations based on hearsay. This decision stems from a complaint to the Integrated Bar of the Philippines (IBP) regarding falsehoods in Gadon’s impeachment complaint against then Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, as well as his filing of baseless criminal cases against several Supreme Court officials.

Following an investigation, the IBP Committee on Bar Discipline initially recommended a two-year suspension for Gadon for lying under oath about Sereno falsifying a Supreme Court temporary restraining order. However, the IBP Board of Governors later adjusted this to a three-year suspension.

The Supreme Court adopted the findings but altered the penalty, noting that Gadon was already disbarred. As a result, he will not face further disbarment but will have the misconduct recorded in his personal file, along with a fine of P150,000 and ineligibility for judicial clemency.

“Gadon knew that he never had any personal knowledge nor any authentic document to support the accusation that Sereno falsified a TRO of the Court. Yet, he still included this in his verified impeachment complaint, attempting to lend a semblance of credibility to his unfounded accusation,” stated the Supreme Court in a press release. “This not only deceived the House of Representatives but also revealed an intent to inflict unnecessary harm to the reputation of a lawyer and former member of the Court.”

The Court emphasized that Gadon’s actions displayed a disregard for the verification requirement in impeachment complaints, showing disrespect for the process and using it to advance his personal agenda. As a result, Gadon violated Canon II, Section 11 of the Code of Professional Responsibility and Accountability, confirming his liability for gross misconduct.