Raquel Pempengco hopes for reconciliation with Jake Zyrus amid mental health concerns

In a candid interview with showbiz vlogger Morly Alinio, Raquel Pempengco shared her ongoing estrangement from her son, the singer Jake Zyrus, known previously as Charice Pempengco. Despite concerns about his mental health, Pempengco highlighted that reconciliation could be a path to wellness for her son.

During the conversation published on Alinio’s YouTube channel on Saturday, Nov. 4, Pempengco expressed her belief that healing could come from mending their familial bonds. “I am here because you will not feel at ease as long as you consider your parents your adversaries,” she stated.

She expressed her desire for Zyrus to initiate contact, not for financial support but to maintain a familial connection. The singer’s transition from Charice to Jake in 2017 has been a point of pain for Pempengco, who had prayed for a daughter. Acknowledging her hurt, she nonetheless urged the public to extend understanding and respect to her son’s choices.

Pempengco reminisced about their past closeness and shared her emotional turmoil over the changes in their relationship, repeatedly referring to Zyrus by his pre-transition name, Charice. She emphasized her unchanged love and stated, “Charice, I didn’t do anything wrong.”

Jake Zyrus has stepped back from the limelight since May 2023 and has made no comment regarding his mother’s latest statements. His break from social media was a move to counteract the negative forces in his life, as he expressed in previous updates to his fans.