The Festive Season and Yearend are meant for reunions

Tonight, December 27, I will be flying home to celebrate our mother Yit’s 88th birthday on…

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Tonight, December 27, I will be flying home to celebrate our mother Yit’s 88th birthday on…

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The weekend of the World Cup and ‘Simbang Gabi’

I am blessed that I was able to watch the World Cup matches for third place…

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I am blessed that I was able to watch the World Cup matches for third place…

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Some community and church events starting this week and beyond

Hello dear readers of The Global Filipino Magazine (TGFM). Thank you for reading, liking and even resharing some…

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Hello dear readers of The Global Filipino Magazine (TGFM). Thank you for reading, liking and even resharing some…

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Let ‘Barrio Fiesta in Dubai’ be an annual December event for our kababayans

“The Barrio Fiesta celebration was a blast! I always attend Pinoy celebrations to support and be one with…

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“The Barrio Fiesta celebration was a blast! I always attend Pinoy celebrations to support and be one with…

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Happy 51st UAE National Day. Thank you for taking good care of us.

This weekend will be our 22nd year in celebrating UAE National Day. There are many great…

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This weekend will be our 22nd year in celebrating UAE National Day. There are many great…

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Disagreements are normal in marriage and husband and wife should complement each other 

Over the weekend I gave a talk before a total of 19 couples who attended two…

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Over the weekend I gave a talk before a total of 19 couples who attended two…

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Make use of your time to achieve your aspirations, your dreams

In my recent business trip to London I watched in-flight the James Bond movie ‘No Time…

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In my recent business trip to London I watched in-flight the James Bond movie ‘No Time…

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Travelling gives you a broader perspective of life

In a few hours when this column is posted online I will be flying to London…

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In a few hours when this column is posted online I will be flying to London…

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Remembering some Filipino Community leaders in the UAE

Today, November 1 which is All Saints’ Day, millions of Filipinos will flock to the cemeteries to honor…

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Today, November 1 which is All Saints’ Day, millions of Filipinos will flock to the cemeteries to honor…

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Journaling to heal and succeed (in celebration of World Mental Health Day)

Since it is still October I would like to point out that October 10 was World…

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Since it is still October I would like to point out that October 10 was World…

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