Actress Yassi Pressman made a young girl’s day extra special during her recent visit to Cebu. While shopping at Carbon Market, she met a child named Yassi and was pleasantly surprised by the encounter.
In an Instagram post, Yassi shared her excitement, describing the moment as both unexpected and heartwarming. She expressed gratitude to the little girl and her mother for making her Cebu trip even more memorable.
During their conversation, Yassi learned that the young girl is currently in Grade 1. Touched by the moment, she generously offered to sponsor the child’s tuition for the next school year.
The actress also revealed her personal goal of meeting more children who share her name, saying, “My goal is to meet you all.”
This isn’t the first time Yassi has had such a meaningful encounter. In August last year, she met a Grab driver who had named his daughter after her. Overwhelmed with emotion, she reflected on how the universe has a way of showing love in unexpected ways.