Starting May 5, 2025, WhatsApp will no longer be supported on iPhones running iOS versions older than 15.1. This update will affect models like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, rendering them incompatible with the app.
Currently, WhatsApp supports iOS 12 and later for iPhones, but the upcoming change aligns with the platform’s goal of optimizing its performance and incorporating the latest technological advancements. Android users, whose devices must run at least version 5.0, will not be affected.
Users with newer iPhones can ensure continued access to WhatsApp by updating to iOS 15.1 or the latest version available through the settings menu. If an update isn’t possible, switching to a newer device will be necessary.
WhatsApp explained that dropping support for older systems enables the app to focus on maintaining compatibility with modern operating systems and enhancing security. Users with affected devices will receive reminders through the app to upgrade before the deadline.
For uninterrupted service, WhatsApp recommends keeping devices updated and avoiding the use of modified operating systems like jailbroken iPhones.