Whale crashes into boat, capsizing it and throwing fishermen overboard

Two fishermen were rescued after their boat was capsized by a breaching whale near Odiorne Point State Park in Rye, New Hampshire, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. The incident occurred on Tuesday when the men, who had been trying to keep their distance from the whale, were thrown overboard.

Fisherman Ryland Kenney recounted the event to WMUR-TV, explaining how the whale disappeared briefly before suddenly reappearing and crashing onto their boat’s transom. The Coast Guard received a mayday call reporting that a 23-foot center console boat had overturned due to the whale’s breach.

An urgent marine information broadcast was issued, and the Coast Guard Station Portsmouth Harbor was alerted. Fortunately, a good Samaritan rescued both men from the water, and no injuries were reported. The rescuers were identified as two young brothers, Wyatt and Colin Yager, who captured the incident on video.

The whale appeared uninjured, and the event was reported to the Center of Coastal Studies Marine Animal Hotline and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration. The vessel has since been salvaged. Sara Morris of the University of New Hampshire Shoals Marine Laboratory suggested that the whale was likely lunge feeding and unaware of the boat’s presence.