Unexpected hero: Man’s life saved by fake silver chain during shooting incident

A man’s life was saved by his silver necklace during a shooting in Colorado last week. The Commerce City Police Department shared the incredible story on Facebook, revealing that the man’s “knock off” chain was the key to his survival.

“We’d say he really dodged a bullet — but in reality, he LODGED a bullet,” officials stated. The police department explained that the silver chain, roughly ten millimeters in width, was the reason the victim survived. The necklace, still showing traces of blood, bore the mark of the bullet impact.

“The .22 caliber bullet was fired during an argument and would have ended up in the victim’s neck had it not become lodged in the chain he was wearing,” a spokesperson for the Commerce City Police Department said. “As a result, he suffered only a puncture wound.”

The suspect was arrested at the scene and is now facing attempted homicide charges. The police also noted the surprising durability of the necklace, speculating that it was likely not pure silver, as silver is a soft metal.

The Facebook post has garnered significant attention, with over 2,000 likes and numerous comments. One user remarked, “Man’s gonna rock that chain for life now,” while another joked, “I hear 50 Cent’s ‘Many Men’ playing in the distance.” Some commenters attributed the man’s survival to divine intervention, emphasizing their belief that God had protected him.

This incident contrasts sharply with a recent case in Oklahoma, where a teenager was severely burned by a cheap necklace he wore to bed. Rayce Ogdahl, 16, woke up with second, third, and fourth-degree burns around his neck. His mother, Danielle Davis, described the terrifying ordeal, noting that her son smelled of burning flesh upon waking. Ogdahl was treated at a burn unit and is expected to recover, though he will bear scars from the incident.