UAE winter 100 days away despite appearance of Suhail star

The spotting of the Suhail star at dawn earlier this week has generated much discussion about the changing weather conditions in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). Although the celestial event does not immediately lower temperatures, it does indicate a gradual easing of the intense summer heat.

Despite the star’s appearance, the UAE experienced its hottest day of the year on August 26. According to Ibrahim Al Jarwan, a member of the Arab Union for Astronomy and Space Sciences, this gradual cooling will commence with increased humidity levels and the rise of gentle, warm breezes known as ‘Habayib Suhail.’

“The Earth’s surface and the soil underneath will begin to cool down during the early morning hours, leading to the fog we’ve been witnessing lately,” Al Jarwan explained.

About 60 days following the rise of the Suhail star, around mid-October, a phase called ‘Al Wasim’ or ‘Al Wasmi’ begins. During this season, the weather becomes more stable, setting the stage for colder mornings and a further drop in temperatures.

Al Jarwan stressed that residents should not expect winter anytime soon. “The true onset of winter occurs approximately 100 days after the Suhail star’s appearance, which will be at the start of December. That’s when we’ll see a significant drop in temperatures,” he said.

So, while the appearance of the Suhail star does signal a transition in weather patterns, those eagerly awaiting the cooler days of winter will have to be patient; relief is at least 100 days away.