UAE temperatures exceed 50°C ahead of peak summer season

This week, temperatures in the UAE soared past 50°C as the country approached the height of summer. Citing the National Centre of Meteorology, Khaleej Times reported a record high of 50.3°C in Um Azimul, Al Ain at 2pm on Tuesday. Additionally, a video shared by Emirati photographer Rashid Aziz showed a temperature of 50.6°C on a meteorological panel in Al Shawamekh, Abu Dhabi.

The peak of the summer, typically lasting from mid-July to August, could bring humidity levels up to 90%, and dust storms are possible. On June 21, coinciding with the summer solstice, the temperature reached 49.9°C in Mezaira, Al Dhafra region.

With the rising temperatures, health officials have urged precautions against heat-related illnesses. The government has enforced a midday break from June 15 to September 15, banning outdoor labor in the hottest part of the day and establishing over 6,000 rest stations for delivery workers. These measures aim to mitigate the impact of the severe heat, which last August saw temperatures reach 50.8°C, the highest of the year.