UAE students can now get school certificates issued and attested in minutes

Students in the UAE can now have their school certificates issued and attested within minutes, thanks to a new integration between the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) and the Emirates School Establishment (ESE).

Announced on Monday, according to a Gulf news report this initiative allows customers to obtain three government transactions in one seamless procedure through a unified online platform. The integration significantly reduces the service completion time from six days to just three minutes, eliminating the need for courier services and additional costs.

This new system offers easy access to the attestation service, allowing customers to apply for the “issuance and attestation of a school certificate-public education” service via ESE’s digital channels and website ( They can choose MoFA attestation while applying, avoiding the need to visit multiple websites.

The initiative is part of a series of technical integrations aimed at streamlining MoFA’s documents attestation service with other digital services. This effort aligns with the UAE’s Zero Government Bureaucracy Programme objectives.

ESE expressed appreciation for MoFA’s cooperation, highlighting that the new system will save time and effort for customers by providing the required services through a single digital channel.