UAE residents set to experience the Da Vinci glow and Perseid meteor shower

Sky watchers in the UAE are in for a treat with two spectacular celestial events on the horizon: the Da Vinci glow and the Perseid meteor shower. The Da Vinci glow, a rare and captivating phenomenon, will be visible when a crescent moon graces the evening sky while the outline of the full moon remains faintly illuminated.

This event, according to a Khaleej Times report, occurs a few days after the new moon, which is set for August 4 in the UAE.

Sarath Raj, Project Director of the Amity University Dubai Satellite Ground Station, explained that the Da Vinci glow, also known as ‘earthshine,’ happens when sunlight reflects off Earth’s surface and illuminates the dark portion of the moon. This creates an ethereal glow that is visible during the crescent phase.

August also marks a prime time for stargazing, with the Perseid meteor shower reaching its peak around August 12-13. Hasan Al Hariri, CEO of Dubai Astronomy Group, noted that this annual meteor shower can dazzle viewers with up to 100 meteors per hour at its peak. The meteors, which originate from the debris of Comet 109P/Swift-Tuttle, create bright streaks in the sky as they burn up in Earth’s atmosphere.

For the best viewing experience, experts suggest heading to remote desert locations away from city lights. No special equipment is needed, just a clear sky and some patience.