UAE doctors successfully extract 16kg tumour from patient’s abdomen

Doctors at Burjeel Specialty Hospital in Sharjah successfully removed a massive tumour weighing nearly 16 kilograms from a 63-year-old patient, SA, who had been living with the condition for eight years.

According to a Khaleej Times report, the tumour, as large as a watermelon, had caused significant abdominal distension, severely affecting SA’s daily life, including walking, sitting, and even turning in bed. Despite knowing about the tumour for several years, SA had initially avoided surgery due to fear.

“When I came to know about my tumour a few years ago, I was really scared of the surgery. But when my daily routine became difficult after developing a swelling in both feet, I decided to go for the surgery after I met with doctors at Burjeel Hospital, Sharjah,” SA stated.

Dr. Mohammed Basheeruddin Inamdar, the surgical oncologist consultant and robotic surgeon, explained, “Diagnostic imaging, including a CECT of the abdomen, revealed a large heterogeneous mass with fatty, solid, and calcified components. The mass displaced bowel loops superiorly, and compressed the aorta and inferior vena cava, while also laterally displacing the urinary bladder.”

A multidisciplinary tumour board, including oncologists, surgeons, radiologists, and nuclear medicine specialists, recommended surgical intervention. The complex five-hour procedure, which included bilateral ureteric catheterization and a laparotomy, was led by Dr. Inamdar, with support from Dr. Omar Hnaidi, urologist laparoscopic consultant and robotic urologic surgeon, and Dr. Mohamed Eid Ali, anaesthesia consultant.

“The large size of the tumour, occupying all quadrants and its long-standing nature, required meticulous planning and precise execution. The mass was compressing major vessels, including the aorta and IVC, and had multiple sources of blood supply, which we carefully managed. The entire multidisciplinary team played a crucial role in the successful outcome,” said Dr. Inamdar.

Post-surgery, SA experienced a dramatic improvement in his symptoms. “I woke up with a flatter abdomen and significant relief. I felt younger and rejuvenated. By day two, I was up and about, independent and much lighter, having lost close to 20 kilograms,” he shared.

The surgery’s success highlights the importance of early diagnosis and timely surgical intervention. SA expressed his gratitude, saying, “I wish I had undergone the procedure earlier. I would like to thank the medical team at Burjeel Specialty Hospital, Sharjah, for their expertise and support.”