Two teenagers lost their lives in a tragic accident in Ras Al Khaimah on Saturday after a car collided with their motorcycle, local police confirmed. The victims, aged 14 and 15, were struck from behind while riding on an internal road.
According to a Khaleej Times report, the crash was attributed to distracted driving by the car’s 37-year-old driver, who has since been arrested. Despite the rapid response of police patrols and paramedics, the girls succumbed to critical injuries at the scene.
Distracted driving remains a leading cause of fatal accidents in the UAE, contributing to 25% of road deaths annually. The offence carries a penalty of AED 800 and four black points on the driver’s license.
Ras Al Khaimah Police issued a renewed warning to motorists, emphasizing the dangers of distractions such as texting, eating, or attending to children while driving. Authorities continue to stress the importance of staying focused to ensure road safety for all.