Student unexpectedly punches professor during degree ceremony in eastern China

An unexpected incident occurred at Fudan University in Shanghai on June 19, where a male student punched a professor during a degree conferment segment.

The ceremony initially proceeded without issues as students took turns receiving their degrees. The calm atmosphere was suddenly disrupted when a student approached a professor and unexpectedly punched him in the face. The impact knocked off the professor’s glasses and mortarboard, leaving witnesses, including other professors and students, in shock.

The injured professor was quickly taken to the hospital and, fortunately, only sustained minor injuries. He is now in stable condition.

The university’s Student Affairs Office and Law School staff have launched an in-depth investigation into the incident. They have assured that appropriate measures will be taken based on the findings.

Some alumni speculated that the student, possibly from Taiwan, might have had unresolved issues with the university, potentially related to failed attempts to withdraw. There are also unverified claims that the student intended to attack the dean but mistakenly targeted another professor.