Skywatchers in UAE can catch the September Epsilon Perseids meteor shower on Sep 10

Skywatchers in the UAE can witness the September Epsilon Perseids meteor shower, which will peak on the early morning of September 10. The shower is expected to produce around 8 meteors per hour at its peak.

While the September Epsilon Perseids is considered a minor meteor shower compared to the more famous August Perseids, it still offers a unique celestial display. The meteors appear to originate from the constellation Perseus, near the star Epsilon Persei, traveling at speeds of 64 kilometers per second.

Experts in the UAE, including Mohammad Shawkat Odeh, Director of the International Astronomy Centre, and Dr. Sarath Raj from Amity University, emphasized in a Khaleej Times report that while the shower is less visible and produces fewer meteors, the best viewing times will be after midnight under dark, clear skies away from city lights.