Six planets to align in a rare celestial event on June 3-4

On June 3 and 4, 2024, six planets—Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune—will align in the early morning sky. This rare event offers a chance for astronomy enthusiasts to witness a unique planetary alignment.

The best time to view this spectacle is around 5:15 AM local time, according to Thomas Djamaluddin from the National Research and Innovation Agency’s Astronomy and Astrophysics Research Centre.

Saturn and Mars will be the easiest to see, with Saturn appearing brightly in Aquarius and Mars showing as a reddish point in Pisces. Neptune and Uranus will be harder to spot, requiring binoculars or a telescope. Jupiter and Mercury will be visible on the eastern horizon in Taurus, though their proximity to the Sun makes them challenging to observe.

For assistance in identifying the planets, the free Sky Tonight app is recommended. Despite its rarity, this alignment will not have any impact on Earth.