Salary delays nearing resolution after system upgrade, says Dubai bank

Dubai Islamic Bank (DIB) announced late Thursday that it is close to resolving the salary payment issues faced by some of its customers following a recent system upgrade, Khaleej Times reported.

The bank acknowledged the disruption caused by the upgrade, which was conducted to enhance the quality and security of its banking services. “Despite our concerted efforts to ensure minimal disruption, we understand that some customers have encountered some service-related issues,” DIB said in a statement. The bank assured that a dedicated team has been working diligently to restore the impacted services as swiftly as possible.

DIB had informed its customers via email on June 14 about the planned upgrade, which was scheduled to take place from June 14 to June 19. The upgrade affected several services, including wages protection system registration, file processing, cash on card, and balance transfers from DIB credit cards.

Following the upgrade, the bank sent another email on June 20, explaining that some functionalities, such as inward funds transfers, were delayed due to recent holidays, and that account-related notifications were available but delayed. It also noted that heavy traffic in branches and call centers could result in further delays.

DIB has been proactive in addressing the issues. “As soon as we became aware of any disruption, we immediately contacted the affected customers to explain that a dedicated team was diligently working to restore the impacted services as quickly as possible,” the bank stated.

“We are happy to report that all the issues related to salary payments for some customers are nearing resolution and will be completed by tonight,” DIB confirmed in its latest update.

The bank apologized for any inconvenience caused and reiterated its commitment to improving its services for the benefit of its customers.