Pope Francis to award five Filipinos with highest lay honor

Five distinguished Filipinos have been selected to receive the Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice, the highest Papal award for laypersons, by Pope Francis. This prestigious honor recognizes their significant contributions to the Catholic Church and the Papacy.

The awardees include prominent business leaders and philanthropists: Fernando Zobel de Ayala of Ayala Corporation, Manuel Pangilinan of Metro Pacific Investment Corporation, Arnulfo Veridico from Caritas Manila, Ramon del Rosario Jr. of PHINMA Corporation, and Maria Gonzalez Goolsby of UnionBank. Their work with Caritas Manila, a non-profit organization dedicated to human development and poverty alleviation, has been instrumental in earning this recognition.

Caritas Manila, established in 1953 by the late Manila Archbishop Rufino Cardinal Santos, is committed to creating a Christian community focused on social consciousness and aid. The organization offers various programs, including college and technical-vocational education for underprivileged youth, disaster relief, parish leadership training, and livelihood support for informal sector families.

Zobel de Ayala and Pangilinan serve on the board of trustees for Caritas Manila, with Del Rosario acting as the vice chairman. Both Goolsby and Veridico are noted for their longstanding support of the organization. Their collective efforts have significantly impacted the lives of many Filipinos, especially in education and disaster response.

The Metro Pacific Investments Corporation, led by Pangilinan, praised his philanthropic work and commitment to the Church in a celebratory online post. Likewise, the Ayala Foundation highlighted Zobel de Ayala’s pivotal role in Caritas Manila, leading to his nomination for the award. PHINMA acknowledged Del Rosario’s dedicated service to the Church and the Pope.

Previous Filipino recipients of this honor include Catholic photographer Noli Yamsuan Jr., actress Nova Villa, and interior designer Tony Adriano, showcasing the diverse ways in which laypeople contribute to the Church’s mission.