Over 800 OFWs participate in special professional licensure examinations in Dubai 2024

A total of 829 Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) took part in the 2024 Special Professional Licensure Examinations (SPLE) held in Dubai, with the support of the Migrant Workers Office (MWO) – Dubai.

The MWO-Dubai, in collaboration with the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC), facilitated the exams for 23 different professions, including nursing, architecture, mechanical engineering, and more. The examinations took place at The Philippine School in Muhaisnah, Dubai, ensuring that OFWs had the opportunity to advance their professional qualifications while working abroad.

Leading up to the examinations, MWO-Dubai played a crucial role in the preparation and organization. The office released timely advisories and updates, mobilized Philippine Professional Organizations based in Dubai, and assisted in the application process for OFWs who volunteered as examination personnel. Additionally, MWO-Dubai served as the venue for pre-evaluation, assessment sessions for applicants, and orientation for the exam staff.

On the first day of the SPLE, the exams were administered by the PRC, headed by Regional Director Atty. Arl Ruth B. Sacay-Sabelo, with significant support from MWO-Dubai under Labor Attache Atty. John Rio A. Bautista. The PRC team was joined by several delegates from Dubai to ensure the exams were conducted smoothly. Labor Attache Bautista continued to provide oversight and support on the subsequent days of the examinations.