Miles Ocampo announces she is cancer-free following battle with thyroid cancer

Actress and TV host Miles Ocampo has announced her victory over cancer in a heartwarming interview with Karen Davila. The talented star opened up about her challenging journey, from initial confusion about her health to the triumphant news of being cancer-free.

Ocampo first noticed something was amiss when she struggled with unexplained weight issues and fatigue, despite a healthy lifestyle. “Why am I not losing weight?” she pondered, unaware of the serious health battle that lay ahead.

Her concern led to medical consultations, where her doctor and manager became aware of her cancer diagnosis but chose to withhold it initially. “Whatever the result of the biopsy, it needs to be removed ASAP,” they advised Ocampo, who was still in the dark about the true nature of her condition.

The revelation came only after her operation. Ocampo recalled the moment she learned it was cancer, a realization that understandably brought a wave of nervousness. Following surgery, she underwent radiation therapy to combat residual cancer cells.

Today, Miles Ocampo radiates joy and gratitude as she shares her cancer-free status. However, she acknowledges the lifelong commitment to maintenance medication. “It’s maintenance meds for life,” Ocampo stated, accepting the reality of her new normal, which includes regular blood tests and medication adjustments.

This journey began with a papillary thyroid carcinoma diagnosis after a thyroidectomy surgery in April last year. Despite the challenges, Ocampo continued to celebrate life, marking her birthday with a deeper appreciation for her health and “a new life.”