Mena survey highlights salary as top factor in employee loyalty

A new survey highlights that salary is the most critical factor in fostering employee loyalty across the Mena region. Conducted by Bayt and YouGov, the survey found that 54% of respondents prioritize basic salary, while 36% consider employee-job fit essential, and 32% value additional benefits from their employers.

The survey, which included participants from various Mena countries, including the UAE, also identified key elements that could boost employee loyalty. Around 60% of respondents suggested that employers should increase recognition and rewards, 52% called for more growth opportunities, and 50% recommended regular discussion forums to address employee concerns.

Notably, 55% of participants have been with their current employers for over four years, and 38% plan to stay long-term, even if more lucrative offers arise elsewhere. This loyalty is mirrored in workplace satisfaction, with nearly 60% of employees expressing contentment with their current employers. About 33% of employees consider themselves “very loyal,” while another 23% feel “somewhat loyal.”

The survey also revealed that 81% of employees are highly engaged in their work. However, nearly half (48%) cited a lack of trust in management as a significant reason for not feeling entirely loyal, and 39% pointed to job security concerns.

Ola Haddad, general manager at Bayt, emphasized in a Khaleej Times report the importance of understanding and nurturing employee loyalty in the dynamic Mena workforce. Haddad noted that trust in leadership and recognition of employee contributions are crucial in building a loyal and engaged team.

The benefits of loyal employees are substantial, with 74% improving work quality, 67% going the extra mile, and 65% spreading positive word-of-mouth about their company. Furthermore, 54% of employees would recommend their company as a respectable place to work, and 68% take pride in discussing their company’s products and services, enhancing the organization’s reputation.