The security guard involved in the viral “sampaguita girl” incident at SM Megamall has issued an apology for his actions, which sparked public outrage. The 22-year-old vendor, later identified as a medical technology student selling flowers to support her studies, was mistreated by the guard, as captured in a widely circulated video.
According to a The Philippine STAR report, the guard appeared before the Philippine National Police’s Supervisory Office for Security and Investigation Agencies (SOSIA) on January 20, accompanied by his employer, Redeye II Security Services Inc., and a lawyer. He admitted to losing his patience, which led to him grabbing and destroying the sampaguita she was holding and forcibly driving her away.
Redeye II Security Services announced that the guard has been temporarily suspended and is under investigation. Marvin Lacanglacang, the agency’s operations manager, said the incident prompted plans to implement additional training programs to prevent similar behavior among personnel.
In the video, the vendor, dressed in a high school uniform, was seen sitting outside the mall when the confrontation escalated. The guard destroyed her flowers, and the altercation turned physical, raising questions about the use of force and whether the girl was a minor.
Further investigations revealed that the vendor is a 22-year-old college student striving to finish her studies by selling sampaguita. Her family explained that financial difficulties led her to wear a high school uniform to preserve her limited college attire and increase her chances of selling.
The family has decided not to press charges, but the Philippine National Police noted that the guard’s actions may lead to the revocation of his license. SM Megamall confirmed the guard has been dismissed and will no longer be allowed to work in any of their establishments.