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Largest near-Earth asteroid this year to be visible from Dubai skies on October 27

This month, the asteroid 1036 Ganymed, one of the largest near-Earth asteroids, will make its closest approach to Earth on October 27. Although the asteroid, with a diameter of around 37.7 kilometers, will come no closer than 51 million kilometers, experts say it presents a prime opportunity for observation through telescopes.

According to a Khaleej Times report, in Dubai, stargazers can view Ganymed starting at 6:36 PM as it becomes visible 52° above the eastern horizon. The asteroid will reach its highest point at 9:12 PM, and remain visible until approximately 2:03 AM.

Astronomers assure that Ganymed poses no threat to Earth, highlighting that its safe distance offers a unique chance for skywatchers to witness this cosmic event.