June 2024 sets record as hottest June ever, says EU climate service

The European Union’s climate-monitoring service reported that June 2024 was the hottest June on record, continuing a trend of record-breaking temperatures that have pushed global temperatures temporarily above the 1.5C target set by the Paris Agreement.

The findings were issued by the Copernicus Climate Change Service (C3S) in their monthly bulletin. The data suggests that 2024 is on track to surpass 2023 as the hottest year ever recorded, driven by human-caused climate change and the natural El Nino weather phenomenon.

June 2024 experienced deadly extreme heat across several regions, including Saudi Arabia and Greece. The average global temperature for the 12 months ending in June 2024 was the highest ever recorded, measuring 1.65 degrees Celsius above the pre-industrial average of 1850-1900, according to C3S.