Illegal recruiters dupe 215 Filipinos in Italy; Philippine lawmakers push for stronger protective measures

A recent fraudulent scheme in Italy has led a Philippine lawmaker to propose the inclusion of illegal recruitment in the National Bureau of Investigation’s (NBI) primary jurisdiction. Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) were deceived into paying P39 million for fake job offers.

Rep. Marissa Magsino from the OFW party-list voiced her concerns on Wednesday. Magsino stated that with the increasing rise of online illegal recruitment scams, the NBI’s expanded authority would be vital in safeguarding the rights and security of Filipino citizens, especially OFWs.

She pointed out the growing cases of illegal recruitment targeting OFWs in countries across Southeast Asia. “We need the NBI, with its expertise, to lead the fight against such criminal activities,” Magsino emphasized.

This call for action followed a revelation by the Department of Migrant Workers (DMW) confirming the deceptive activities of alleged illegal recruiters in Italy. A staggering 215 Filipinos were duped by two agencies based in Milan, amounting to a loss of around P39 million.

In response to this, the DMW is working closely with the Philippine Consulate General, the DMW Migrant Workers Office in Milan, the Department of Foreign Affairs (DFA), and other governmental entities to examine the situation more closely.

Rep. Magsino’s proposition is encapsulated in House Bill (HB) No. 9351, which she filed last month. The bill seeks to revise Republic Act No. 10867, known as the National Bureau of Investigation Reorganization and Modernization Act, to broaden NBI’s scope. The proposed amendment includes cases like threats to media practitioners, justices, and judges, environmental law violations, and several other concerns.

Kabayan party-list Rep. Ron Salo also voiced his concerns, urging swift action to support the affected OFWs in Italy. Salo called for robust cooperation between Philippine and Italian authorities to bring the culprits to justice. He also beckoned local authorities, including the NBI and the Philippine National Police (PNP), to investigate and capture accomplices within the Philippines.

Concluding his statement, Rep. Salo asserted, “The Filipino people deserve justice. We are dedicated to a swift and transparent resolution.”