Gulatin mo immigration officer! Passenger prints ticket on shirt

A domestic passenger has gone viral online for his humorous take on travel documentation: printing his e-Ticket on a white shirt.

The picture, an old one from 2019, was reshared by SG Lah Travel Services, a Philippine-based travel agency.

Owned by Jahdiel Yabnez, it has received almost 100,000 reactions on Facebook, with many netizens applauding Yabnez’s creativity.

The post came with a playful caption saying, “Gulatin mo ang immigration officer. Print mo ang ticket mo.”

This is not the first instance of passengers using humor to interact with immigration officials.

Earlier this year, another traveler went viral for wearing a ‘toga’ at Ninoy Aquino International Airport (NAIA) during a flight to Japan.

The prank followed another peculiar incident where a Filipino passenger was delayed en route to Israel due to a lengthy immigration interview and was asked to provide her 10-year-old graduation yearbook for verification.