A young girl in Uttar Pradesh, India, narrowly escaped danger after slipping out of an unguarded gondola on a Ferris wheel during a local fair.
A video shared by GMA Integrated Newsfeed captured the tense moment as a man tried to reach and rescue the girl but was unable to do so. Instead, he calmed her while the operator slowly rotated the Ferris wheel to bring her down.
At one point, the girl was hanging upside down but continued to cling to the metal bars of the Ferris wheel. After about a minute, she was safely brought down without any injuries.
Reports revealed that the girl slipped from her seat due to the oversized gondola, which lacked proper safety barriers. Authorities also found that the ride’s operator did not have a no-objection certificate to certify its safety.
The incident is under investigation, and authorities are looking into other potential violations by the fair’s management. The fair organizers have yet to issue a statement.