Filipino power couple transforms dreams into reality in Abu Dhabi with unique pastry venture

Filipino couple Aldrin Joseph Ducay Linao and Jeni Kar Ibarrola Linao embody the quintessential journey of ambition, perseverance, and entrepreneurial spirit that serves as an inspiration to Overseas Filipino Workers (OFWs) across the globe. Their journey, characterized by humble beginnings, notable achievements, and a steadfast commitment to their family and future, provides valuable lessons and encouragement to Filipinos everywhere.

At 34, Aldrin has established a rewarding career as a fitness instructor at the Armed Forces Officers Club, with a decade of experience under his belt. His adventure commenced at 19, when he moved to Abu Dhabi in June 2007. With assistance from his family, he secured his first position as a Recreation Attendant at Hilton Corniche, quickly advancing to Trainer. His career trajectory led him through various roles in the fitness sector before settling into his current position, where he is tasked with developing fitness plans for officers, aiming to maintain their physical and mental wellness. Aldrin’s life mantra, “Dream Big, Work Hard, Achieve the Impossible,” perfectly captures his journey from an entry-level attendant to a respected fitness instructor working alongside VIPs and high-ranking military officers.

Meanwhile, Jeni, aged 38, serves as the Associate Director in the Central MI Finance Department of a leading bank in the UAE, showcasing a journey of resilience and adaptability. Originally a Registered Nurse in the Philippines—a dream pursued on her mother’s behalf—Jeni’s transition from tourist in May 2010 to a senior banking official over 14 years exemplifies her strength, flexibility, and dedication. Her journey underscores the power of embracing new challenges and opportunities, even in unfamiliar fields. Jeni’s mantra, “I will achieve great things through small steps,” reflects her methodical and determined path to success.

The couple has faced common challenges typical for OFWs: the initial struggle to secure stable employment and the challenge of balancing demanding careers with family responsibilities. However, they emphasize the crucial support system provided by their family and each other, highlighting that their partnership has been vital in overcoming difficulties and realizing their aspirations.

A significant chapter in their lives is their latest venture, co-owning Maria Paz Pastry and Café in the capital. This business endeavor not only realizes a long-held dream of starting their business but also enables them to introduce authentic Filipino pastries to their community in Abu Dhabi.

They offer practical advice to fellow kababayans: plan for the future, save and invest wisely, strive for a balanced life, and trust in God’s plan.

Their narrative is imbued with the dreams, support, and tireless work ethic that many Filipinos share, making it a source of inspiration and guidance for those looking to navigate the complexities of life abroad. With two children, Marcus Daniel and Marco Gael, the couple has navigated the intricacies of raising a family in a foreign land, balancing their time between full-time jobs and business endeavors, all while ensuring they remain connected and present in their children’s lives.

As they forge ahead, facing the challenges and seizing the opportunities that life abroad presents, Aldrin and Jeni remain dedicated to their family, their careers, and their business venture. Their story resonates with many Filipinos, offering hope and direction for those who aim to dream big, work diligently, and pursue the seemingly impossible.

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This article has been published in Volume 4, Issue 10 of The Global Filipino Magazine. If you have a unique life story or know someone who does, we’d love to hear from you. Reach out to us at If you’re interested in obtaining a print copy of the magazine, please contact Mr. JP Cosico at +971 54 482 0661.