At the age of five, Fea Mariz Go, now 15, started a modeling career in Dubai. She was involved in several projects, including conquering the international arena by being an extra actress for the Hollywood film Startrek Beyond.

Her appearance on the e-commerce platforms and participation in the hit film has paved the way for greater heights. Not only did it open new doors of opportunities, but it also became the beginning of her new journey at a young age.
Her parents brought her to Dubai to be part of a world where one can expand their horizons and look for better opportunities.
At first, modeling was just a hobby for her, but she learned to appreciate the field as she grew into the work.
“Modeling and being a model taught me the power of image and the impact of the modeling industry to society,” she said.
“I enjoy the creativity and artistry of modeling through photography and fashion. I enjoy working and making acquaintances with talented international photographers, makeup artists, stylists, and other models, who taught me the beauty of their work and mine,” she added.
The teen has done interviews that focused on raising awareness for growth and self-esteem through her experiences as a model. In one of her TV interviews, she focused on diversity and learning to appreciate one’s capability regardless of one’s ethnicity and looks which is a message to young kids, especially young girls.

“Working overseas taught me a lot about the world. It taught me how to be open-minded about people. I like how I learned about diversity, cultures, and languages,” Fea said.
Despite her flourishing career in the fashion and modeling industry, she, too, experienced many struggles, including self-doubt.
“It was very difficult to be a young model in an industry where one has to slowly work their way to being confident and find one’s worth, especially as an Asian and a young girl. There were many standards or ideas of beauty before diversity came into the modeling industry,” she said.
Fea, however, understands the beauty of being an Asian, especially being a Filipina. Asian models and Filipina beauty queens are the people she looks up to, but most importantly, seeing Asians in magazines on billboards inspired her and gave her hope to love her skin more.
“This gave me the ability to overcome a struggle and learning the impact of the fashion industry on young girls will affect them greatly, like me at a young age,” she added.
Fea wants to be an advocate for young girls to find their beauty within.
“As a young Filipina living abroad, I am beyond proud to represent the Philippines to the world,” Fea further added.