Filipina golfers clinch Olympic spots: Pagdanganan and Ardina set for Paris 2024

Filipina golfers Bianca Pagdanganan and Dottie Ardina have secured their places in the upcoming 2024 Paris Olympics. According to a GMA News Online report, their qualification comes after both athletes made the cut in the Official World Golf Rankings (OWGR), where the top 60 players from each gender qualify for the Games.

Pagdanganan, 26, ranked 35th in the OWGR, making her eligible for a return to the Olympics after representing the Philippines in the 2020 Tokyo Games. In Tokyo, she finished in a tie for 43rd place.

Ardina, 30, ranked 55th, also clinched her spot for the Paris Olympics. She previously qualified for the 2016 Rio Olympics but had to withdraw due to concerns over the Zika virus.

With Pagdanganan and Ardina’s qualification, 17 Filipino athletes are now confirmed to compete in Paris. The roster includes pole vaulter EJ Obiena; weightlifters Elreen Ando, Vanessa Sarno, and John Ceniza; boxers Eumir Marcial, Nesthy Petecio, Aira Villegas, Hergie Bacyadan, and Carlo Paalam; gymnasts Carlos Paalam, Levi Ruivivar, Aleah Finnegan, and Emma Malabuyo; fencer Sam Catantan; and rower Joanie Delgaco.