Life is full of challenges. These challenges ultimately test Lorgie Vergara Asaad’s character. She convinces herself that you get to find out who you really are during extreme pressure or adversities in life.

Acceptance, for her, enables one to move on and learn from the experience in a bid to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the future.
“We can’t choose what always happens to us in life, but we can always choose how we respond to it. How we respond dictates what were likely to take from the experience,” Lorgie, who has been living and working in the UAE for the past 16 years, shared.
The high-spirited Filipina started her career in consultant engineering nearly a decade ago. She had professional experiences working for various industries, such as consultancy, real estate, and engineering, to name a few, with a variety of teams and solutions. Her diverse skills, qualities, and experience molded her into a better entrepreneur.

A mom of five kids and married to an engineer, Lorgie, a business-minded person, initially put up her ‘My Creations Party & Eents’ in 2016, specializing in events management that covers thorough budget development and tracking.
Making sure that every event they handle becomes memorable, they exquisitely execute the planning, coordination, and budgeting.
Last year, Lorgie opened ‘The Good Finds UAE,’ an artisanal boutique offering unique and hand-crafted items, such as hand-made and customized painted bags. The bags sold on their platform are made of natural pandan leaves.
She takes pride in the products they import into the UAE, using unique, sustainable, and environment-friendly materials.
Just recently, their bayong, made from woven pandan leaves, made an appearance during Michael Cinco’s Men’s Spring Summer 2023 fashion show. The Philippines’ traditional bags were hand-painted and showed off on the catwalk, highlighting the country’s local products in the international fashion arena.

The fashion icon himself lauded the company for its eco-friendly products. He described them as ‘amazing’ and ‘unique.’
As of the present time, they offer their bayong in select malls in Dubai with plans to sell them across the UAE in the future.
“I embraced entrepreneurship as a mindset and chose to embody it for years. It’s all about hard work, persistence, and sacrifice,” she said.
Lorgie stressed that there is no such thing as ‘overnight success’ no matter how social media tries to convince one otherwise.
“Take ownership of your choice to build your chosen business that will one day whom you can be proud of,” she added.
The businesswoman lives with her mantra, ‘My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.’
“Therefore, I will boast more gladly about my weaknesses so that God’s power may rest on me. For God’s sake, I delight in weaknesses, insults, hardships, persecutions, and difficulties. For when I am, then I am strong,” she said.
She added that this mantra reflects her life.

“I like to think of mantras as empowering messages to carry ourselves forward towards our intentions for ourselves. They are also there to get you back on track when you find yourself slipping into feelings that are not serving you,” she added.
Lorgie said that the biggest anyone can ever compete with is themselves.
“You are your most potent, most challenging competitor, and when you outdo yourself, that is when you really start accomplishing things and becoming great,” she added.
According to her, pushing oneself to the limit, achieving goals, and going above and beyond are some of the best things one can ever do.

“It helps you focus on the goals you set and helps push you to attain these goals. Once you prove to yourself that you can work hard enough, the world becomes a lot smaller, and opportunities reveal themselves to you so that you may broaden your horizons and make your life what you want it to be,” she said.