Dubai-based electrician wins AED1 million in UAE Lottery with friends

A 41-year-old Indian expat in Dubai made history as the first winner of the Dh1 million UAE Lottery prize. Working as a senior electrician with a public utility company, Peer Muhammad Azam participated in the lottery for the first time, joining forces with 20 friends to purchase tickets.

The group collectively funded 20 tickets, with Azam selecting the numbers under his account. One of the tickets turned out to be the winning combination, and the prize will be evenly divided among the group.

In a Gulf News report, Azam expressed his joy and disbelief at the win and shared plans to use his share for family, friends, and charitable causes. He also praised the UAE Lottery’s regulated system, which encouraged him to play responsibly and with confidence.

He encouraged others to try their luck while maintaining a budget, emphasizing that persistence might lead to success.