Comelec clarifies shading rule for 2025 elections; partially shaded votes still valid

The Commission on Elections (Comelec) has assured voters that ballots will still be counted even if the circles beside a candidate’s name are not fully shaded in the upcoming midterm elections in May 2025.

This move is aimed at making the voting process more inclusive, particularly for senior citizens and persons with disabilities who may struggle to completely fill the circles. The automated counting machines will now recognize votes as valid even if only 15% of the circle is shaded.

Despite the relaxed rule, Comelec still encourages voters to fully shade the circles to avoid any potential issues in the ballot-counting process. The poll body also reminds voters to stay within the allowed number of choices per position to prevent their votes from being invalidated, such as selecting only up to 12 candidates for senator.

With nearly 70 million registered voters in the Philippines and abroad, Comelec underscores the importance of each vote in shaping the nation’s future.