Carla Abellana on moving forward after divorce: “I’m happy, very happy”

Carla Abellana recently opened up about the valuable lessons she learned from her failed marriage with ex-husband Tom Rodriguez. Speaking on “Fast Talk with Boy Abunda” on Friday, Carla reflected on the importance of relationships and the necessity of recognizing when to let go.

“Of course, relationships are so important, marriage is important, it’s sacred. But when it’s no longer right or it becomes too much, it shouldn’t be forced,” Carla explained during the interview.

However, she clarified that she is not advocating for all struggling couples to separate. “I’m not saying that those who are not okay should separate. But if things are already too painful or cannot be resolved, it shouldn’t be forced, because you might lose yourself, and it could get worse. When many are affected, it shouldn’t continue.”

Carla also shared her initial struggle to understand why her marriage ended, questioning God in the process. “Everything was so shocking, so abrupt, so instant, that I couldn’t comprehend. I had many questions of why. From the beginning, I was already questioning why this happened,” she revealed.

Currently, Carla is not looking for a new relationship. “It was a difficult journey to get to this point, but yes, definitely, I can confidently say that I’m happy, very happy,” she stated. Carla is set to star in the upcoming series “Widows’ War” alongside Bea Alonzo.

“At this point, it’s something I don’t think about much, especially with the amount of work and the little time left for ourselves to rest, recover, and handle personal matters. It’s not a priority,” she added.

Carla emphasized that she is open to whatever the future holds for her romantic life. “I don’t want to close myself off. I don’t want to be too bitter or too angry at the world. I also don’t want to be too open, searching or chasing. Whatever comes along the way, we’ll see where it takes me,” she explained.

To her future partner, Carla playfully said, “Maybe, ‘see you soon,’ naks! ‘I hope to meet you soon.’ I just said I’m not looking, but I guess, I can’t wait to see how our paths will cross.”

Carla and Tom were in a relationship for seven years before getting married in October 2021. The following year, Tom announced that they had divorced.