Peggy, a five-year-old pug and Chinese crested mix dubbed Britain’s “ugliest dog,” has been nominated for a FIDO award, a prestigious honor known as the canine equivalent of an Oscar. Peggy starred as “Dogpool” in the movie Deadpool & Wolverine, acting alongside Hollywood icons Ryan Reynolds and Hugh Jackman.
Despite her newfound fame and award nomination, Peggy remains unchanged, according to her owner Luke Middleton from Yorkshire. “She’s the same old Peggy. She loves a cuddle on the sofa and meeting people – just takes it all in her stride really,” Middleton shared.
The FIDO awards, held annually to celebrate exceptional canine performances on screen, have noted an outstanding pool of nominees this year. “We have the biggest ever selection of dogs on the big screen,” said FIDO founder Toby Rose, calling the nominees’ performances “quite phenomenal.”
Other notable dogs up for consideration include a red husky featured in Nightbitch, a comedy horror starring Amy Adams. The awards ceremony will take place in London on February 23, 2025.