“Funny Filipinos,” a comedy night showcasing the talents of three acclaimed Filipino comedians, is slated to…
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3 acclaimed Filipino comedians to deliver roaring laughter in Dubai in September
“Funny Filipinos,” a comedy night showcasing the talents of three acclaimed Filipino comedians, is slated to…
Continue ReadingTraveler shares ‘flight nightmare’ after enduring 8.5 hours of delay, getting rescheduled 5 times
A Filipino traveler took to social media to express her disappointment and frustration over a significantly…
Continue ReadingA Filipino traveler took to social media to express her disappointment and frustration over a significantly…
Continue ReadingPlane ticket prices set to rise in September due to increased fuel surcharges
The Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) has informed the public to anticipate higher airfare prices starting this…
Continue ReadingThe Civil Aeronautics Board (CAB) has informed the public to anticipate higher airfare prices starting this…
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