In its latest travel update, Emirates has banned passengers from carrying pagers and walkie-talkies in both…
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Dubai flights: Pagers and walkie-talkies banned from check-in and cabin baggage
In its latest travel update, Emirates has banned passengers from carrying pagers and walkie-talkies in both…
Continue Reading100 sacks of rice to be distributed to Filipinos in need along Muraqqabat road in Dubai
An Indian entrepreneur with a heart for the Filipino community is set to give away 100…
Continue ReadingAn Indian entrepreneur with a heart for the Filipino community is set to give away 100…
Continue ReadingFilipino co-founder of viral Dubai chocolate launches ‘Sna’ap’ with UAE-inspired flavors
The Filipino chef and co-founder of the viral Dubai chocolate brand Fix has embarked on a…
Continue ReadingThe Filipino chef and co-founder of the viral Dubai chocolate brand Fix has embarked on a…
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