A joyous occasion turned into a heart-wrenching tragedy for a newlywed couple, Haneen and Ravan, in…
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Overcrowded wedding venue in Iraq engulfed in flames, leaving 107 dead
A joyous occasion turned into a heart-wrenching tragedy for a newlywed couple, Haneen and Ravan, in…
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OFW found stabbed to death in Saudi Arabia
Marjorette Garcia, an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) was found dead with multiple stab wounds in Saudi…
Continue ReadingMarjorette Garcia, an overseas Filipino worker (OFW) was found dead with multiple stab wounds in Saudi…
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Self-driving taxis to hit Dubai roads by December 2023
Dubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced that self-driving taxis will be available for hailing…
Continue ReadingDubai’s Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) has announced that self-driving taxis will be available for hailing…
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