Partly cloudy weather expected with chance of rainfall and temperature drop in UAE

The National Centre of Meteorology has forecasted partly cloudy to cloudy weather in the United Arab Emirates today, with the possibility of rainfall and a drop in temperatures, particularly in western regions. A yellow and orange alert has been issued for various parts of the country, warning residents of rough sea conditions, the formation of convective clouds, potential rainfall, and blowing dust that could reduce visibility.

Temperatures are expected to reach as high as 31ºC in some areas, including Abu Dhabi at 29ºC and Dubai at 28ºC. However, nighttime temperatures may plummet to as low as 21ºC in Abu Dhabi, 20ºC in Dubai, and 10ºC in internal areas.

The forecast also indicates that moderate to fresh winds will blow strongly, especially over the sea, leading to blowing dust and sand that can limit horizontal visibility. Humidity levels are expected to range from 30 to 75 per cent in Abu Dhabi and from 40 to 75 per cent in Dubai.

Seafaring conditions are anticipated to be rough to very rough in the Arabian Gulf and moderate to rough in the Oman Sea.