From cafeteria cashier to administrative coordinator in Dubai

As someone who is brought up well, OFW Maria Janize Tamayo always looks to develop her skills and career to prosper in life.

Despite landing a cashier job for a small cafeteria in Sharjah during her first overseas work, she persevered and conquered all odds.

“I know there are a lot of places where I can be but UAE made it so easy for me to achieve what I seek. Besides, my family stays here and during that time, they told me that if you want things to grow for you, you must start pushing it your own way,” she said.

Before embarking on an overseas life, Maria Janize used to work as a teacher before finding herself in the customer service industry. From there, she realized that her career won’t grow had she stayed long. She told her father about her enthusiasm to work overseas in 2012 and fully supported her decision.

Alive and surviving

When she moved to the UAE, she knew she made the right decision. Because of her perseverance, she secured a job in one of the leading companies in the region and got relocated from Dubai to Abu Dhabi.

Years passed, and she obtained another employment from one of the leading telecommunication companies in Dubai and worked as a key accounts manager, a position she held and considered the highlight of her overseas career.

Maria Janize now works as an administrative coordinator for Bayan Holding Group of Companies.

“I enjoy being challenged. Being in this current job, makes me learn more. Like anything and everything under the sun. Thanks to Bayan Holding for being supportive all the way and bringing out the best in me. With their help, I’m always challenging myself to be a better version of myself every day,” she added.

She said that the best thing about working outside the Philippines is the cultural exposure she gets which inspires her to have an open mind.

His father’s death some two years ago has also affected her; however, it also helped her to be motivated and climbed the ladder step-by-step towards self-development and work progress.

“My friends and work colleagues supported me all the way through these difficult times. I’m always looking up to my late father and his words of wisdom,

I am always reminiscing the days when he used to tell me how great it is to achieve your dreams,” she said.

Maria Janize advised her fellow OFWs to dream big and conquer them although it might take years.

“Also, manage your budget wisely. Never forget to save for rainy days. Make a list of your long- and short-term goals. Trust the people who bring out the best in you and lastly, never give up on yourself, and don’t give up on love,” she added.