Fil-Canadian content creator Mike Bustos discovers unrecorded ant species in the Philippines

Filipino-Canadian video creator Mikey Bustos has been officially credited for the geographical scientific discovery of the ‘Meranoplus bicolor’ ant species in the Philippines, a revelation that has brought the scientific community and ant enthusiasts a great surprise.

In a Facebook post, Bustos narrated how the discovery unfolded right in his backyard.

The unexpected journey began when he stumbled upon this peculiar species and reached out to his friend Dr. Dave General, a myrmecologist and ant taxonomist at the University of the Philippines Los Baños, to further explore the identity of the ants.

Following detailed analysis, Dr. General confirmed that the ants belonged to the ‘Meranoplus bicolor’ species, previously undocumented in the Philippines.

The confirmation spurred Bustos into further researching and nurturing a growing colony of the newfound ant species.

Bustos, who is well-known for his engaging and educational content on social platforms, couldn’t contain his exhilaration as he shared, “I was surprised to find out today as I was doing more research on the species, that I’ve been credited for the geographical scientific discovery of the ant, which I am now raising a colony of, for the Philippines.”