Dubai introduces AI technology to monitor and stop smoking inside taxis

Dubai has begun testing the use of artificial intelligence (AI) to identify smoking inside taxis, as announced by the Roads and Transport Authority (RTA) on Monday. This initiative, which utilizes in-car cameras, is part of a larger effort to enhance taxi services across the emirate. While smoking in public transport is already prohibited across the UAE, the RTA has not disclosed specific details about the technology involved.

The RTA has also introduced other measures aimed at improving taxi experiences, including the use of high-quality air fresheners in over 500 airport taxis. Additionally, inspection campaigns will be increased to ensure vehicle cleanliness.

Adel Shakri, director of Planning and Business Development at the Public Transport Agency, noted that the RTA is expanding awareness and training programs for drivers and instructors at driving schools. The authority plans to monitor the results of these initiatives, which will include a new monthly operational index to assess both vehicle and driver cleanliness, tracking related observations per 100,000 Hala Taxi trips. Customer satisfaction surveys and mystery shopper assessments will be conducted semi-annually starting in 2025.