Yosi break gone wrong: Careless smoker ignites fire, damages shops and vehicles

A brief beedi break turned catastrophic in Kalyanadurgam, Anantapur district, when a carelessly discarded matchstick ignited a fire that destroyed several shops. The incident occurred around 11:30 am today and was captured on CCTV.

A man who had purchased five liters of petrol unknowingly left a trail of fuel leaking from his container as he rode his two-wheeler past a row of shops. Two men were seen chatting near the petrol stream, with one lighting a beedi and carelessly flicking the matchstick into the fuel. The petrol instantly caught fire, sending flames soaring and causing the two men and others nearby to flee for safety.

Quick action by local residents prevented further damage, but several shops and vehicles were already reduced to ashes by the time the fire was controlled. This incident highlights the dangers of improper disposal of lit cigarettes and beedis, a common cause of fires.