Dottie Ardina speaks out on uniform controversy at Paris Olympics: “This needs to change.”

Filipina golfer Dottie Ardina has broken her silence regarding the controversial uniform mishap that marred her experience at the Paris Olympics, sparking widespread discussion after a video of her frustration went viral. Ardina, who represented the Philippines alongside fellow golfer Bianca Pagdanganan, shared her account of the events that led to the uniform issue and expressed her hope for a better experience for future athletes.

In a candid Facebook post, Ardina thanked supporters who stood by her and Pagdanganan, acknowledging their unwavering fight in the competition despite not securing a medal. “It’s an immense honor to represent the Philippines,” Ardina wrote, but she did not hold back in questioning the criticism she received for voicing her frustration over the uniform problems.

The controversy began when a video, shared by Ardina’s mother, captured her dismay at not receiving the required competition uniforms before the start of the women’s golf event. The video quickly gained attention, with many rallying behind Ardina while also criticizing those responsible for the oversight.

Ardina explained that the Philippine Olympic Committee (POC) sent uniform size forms on June 13, ahead of the official release of the final tournament list on June 25. However, when she inquired about the uniforms on July 28, she was informed that they would be sent directly to Paris with an expected arrival on July 31. This caused Ardina significant anxiety as the competition was set to begin on August 7.

Upon arriving in Paris on August 2, Ardina found that the uniforms had still not arrived. On August 4, during tournament registration, they were reprimanded by International Olympic Committee (IOC) officials for not wearing the required uniforms. “I made excuses that they hadn’t arrived yet,” Ardina recounted. When the uniforms finally arrived that afternoon, they were only tracksuits, and the anticipated competition shirts were nowhere to be found.

Ardina was further disheartened when she discovered that the replacement uniforms provided were inadequate. “The PHI logo was incorrectly stamped under the collar, making it invisible. We were also not provided with golf balls, head covers, gloves, or umbrellas,” she lamented. Despite these shortcomings, Ardina and her teammate made do with what they had, purchasing additional items to ensure they matched as closely as possible for the competition.

The POC claimed that uniforms were provided, and athletes chose not to wear them, while the National Golf Association of the Philippines (NGAP) stated that replacement uniforms were on the way. However, Ardina firmly denied these claims, stating that the uniforms were ill-fitting and the logos were misplaced.

As the video of Ardina’s frustration circulated online, she faced backlash, but she stood her ground. “I didn’t choose to wear different uniforms or shirts; I simply had no other option,” she clarified.

Reflecting on the experience, Ardina shared her disappointment with how the situation was handled and expressed her hope that future athletes would not face the same challenges. “This needs to change,” she urged, calling for better communication and preparation between officials and athletes in the future.

Ardina concluded by reiterating her pride in representing the Philippines and thanked those who supported her throughout the ordeal. “Competing in the Olympics is a great honor, and I pray that we fulfilled our duty of showcasing the Filipino spirit and representing our flag in the best way possible,” she said.

Ardina ultimately finished tied for 13th in the competition, but the lessons from her Olympic journey go beyond the final standings. Her story serves as a call to action for better support and preparation for Filipino athletes on the world stage.